Friday, July 26, 2019

Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Case study - Assignment Example In nutshell, Burger King’s quirky advertising has enabled it shed its old boring image, stand out and position itself as a joint for fun loving people. The company has witnessed an increase in revenue, thanks to the advertising campaigns that had the potency to surprise customers. The purpose of advertising may be information dissemination, persuasion or brand building. Advertising is said to be effective if it achieves the stated objectives. Burger King has been able to attract the 18- to 34-year-old males even though it has alienated others. In essence, the company has not contravened any legal requirement and has used legitimate advertising to reach the desired demographic profile. Ethics refer to an individual’s moral judgment about right and wrong. They emanate from the norms and beliefs prevalent in the society. Ethics is a subjective term. The opinion on whether a particular action or decision is ethical or unethical may vary from person to person. Burger King’s advertising strategy may be regarded as unethical in parts. In some campaigns, Burger King’s advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky used visuals that were demeaning to women. Critics alleged that fast food retailer was relying on sex to promote its products. Some pictures posted on the company’s website with the caption â€Å"Groupies love the Coq† were also inappropriate for children viewing. The fast-food giant’s ‘Whopper Virgins’ campaign wherein three separate people groups underwent blind taste tests was racially demeaning and thus unethical. These advertisements depicted people from regions of Iceland, Thailand, and Transylvania and were stated to have no exposure of any of the leading fast food giants. In 2005, Burger King adopted the faux metal band called ‘Coq Roq’ to promote its new Chicken Fries. The company’s Coq Roq Web site featured a photo gallery of young women. These pictures along with the

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